What is TM?

Deep rest for dynamic activity
20 minutes morning and evening

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Improved athletic performance
NY Jets quarterback Joe Namath

Clint Eastwood, Merv Griffin, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
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More efficiency in business
clarity of thought after TM
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Over 600 scientific studies validate the benefits for body, mind, and society
Reduced Drug and Alcohol Use
Reduced Drug and Alcohol Abuse

Mobilization of the whole brain

TM raises IQ in students

Improved Academic Performance
sReduced Recidivism
Reduced Recidivism
True rehabilitation of prisoner

TM helps soldiers combat
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Oprah Winfrey practices TM
and provides it for her staff

The Beatles

George Stephanopoulos
and Jerry Seinfeld
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Judges in St. Louis sentence offenders to learn TM

More information about Transcendental Meditation is at the official web site

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi first spoke in 1976 about the importance of the
an alternative to the current currencies and here in 2001 about the Raam
for the Age of Enlightenment and Global Country of World Peace.


Global Raam Raj - the rise of Raam