apple.jpg (1197 bytes)Setup BitRaam for the Mac

BitRaam-QT.App on your MacIntosh desktop

First Time Ever Installation
(Not an Updgrade Installation)

Download the
BitRaam Disk iMaGe (.DMG) installation file from
or from GitHub

Drag the BitRaam-QT.App from the BitRaam-QT.dmg to your Applications folder

Verifying BitRaam

Cannot open - Unidentified Developer

System Preferences

Security & Privacy

Verifying BitRaam

"" is from an unidentified developer. 
Are you sure you want to open it?   Open

"" is from an unidentified developer. 
Are you sure you want to open it?   Open

BitRaam 4.2.5
Loading block index...

Mac Applications  = *.app

Click to launch the BitRaam app

It may take about 20 minutes to update the Block Chain files from 2014,
but only this first time.
Thereafter the BitRaam wallet will load quickly, unless you don't use it for months.

To create more BitRaam, in return for keeping the network going
select the Console tab, then type "setgenerate true"

You will notice that the CPU works harder.  Now 250.00 BRM
Type "setgenerate false" to turn it off

With time, you will accumulate more and more BitRaam (now 1750 BRM)

2. Upgrade Installation

We have to delete some old files and folders for the new version to install correctly.
It is safest to first backup your WALLET.DAT

GetInfo - verify which version year
Always use the latest version

Shift + Command + . (period)
in MacIntosh Hard Disk shows all hidden files

4 Easy Ways to Show Hidden Files and Folders on a Mac

* Finder, Go > Computer > Macintosh HD and press Shift +Command +. (period)
* Terminal, enter command "defaults write AppleShowAllFiles true"
* third-party file managers may have an option for this
* Open Finder then Option + Go to reveal Library folder

Finder: Go, Go To Folder: /Users/YourName/Library/Application Support/ BitRaam

Copy your Wallet.Dat and paste to another folder,  external storage device, or iCloud.


