Reincarnation of the Raam as a digital coin
Knowledge is for Action.  Status Report 2014-2025

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi spoke on the importance of the Raam
for the Age of Enlightenment and Global Country of World Peace.

Maharishi Raam video    8/13/2003

Maharishi gave us SCI to be able to tell what will get Support of Nature
Main Points about Digital Currency and SCI points

"Satoshi Nakamoto" is the alias of the inventor in 2009
It is widely believed to be Nick Szabo and Hal Finney
Nick invented BitGold which lead to the invention of BitCoin.
He sent the first BTC to Hal on January 12, 2009 - Maharishi's birthday

Maharaja Nader Raam's agreement to reincarnate the Raam (RMC) in 2014, and action (in inaction through TM) since then.

Community meeting in the Golden Dome
Thursday, April 17, 2014 at 8:00 PM
Maharaja will take questions from the audience

Maharaja Nader Raam answers questions from the Fairfield
community on April 17, 2014 

Rick Shaddock suggests reincarnating the Raam
Video at RajaRaamCoin

In April 2014, Bitcoin was at about $586, now over 170x to $100000.  Ethereum did not exist and is no about $4000.

Maharaja Raam said Raja Felix Kaegi may be in contact, and indeed was supportive, leading Skype phone conferences about the Raam Coin project and prototype called
Facebook conversations since 2014

Maharaja Raam said Raja Tom Stanley may be in touch,
His wife is Rajeshwari Lisa Moseley

After 2 weeks of no response (May 4, 2014), Rick goes to The Raj to try to stimulate some action on the Raam

The Raj Hotel does not accept the paper Raam

The Raj Restaurant does not accept the paper Raam

Raja Rogers Badgett "got it" and was supportive
and said Maharishi proposed the Raam in 1976
then called the "Maha" -  RaamCoinBadgett    5/10/2014

Raja John Hagelin PhD listened politely to the new idea
and said "Okey doke", an indication of approval.
RaamHagelin  @ 7:20 point   5/10/2014

Since then, the Dome attendance has gone down,
the Settle Grant has depleted, most of the Pundits
are gone. Fairfield should be wealthy in digital Raam.

Golden Dome Bitcoin Donation Proposal 7/18/2014
when Bitcoin was $625 - now (2024) up 100 x over $62500

Bitcoin mining
of 1.75 BTC at $271 on 1/8/2015

- first proposal, based on Bitcoin  $434
May 2, 2014 on Akshaya Tritiya  
Talking to Maharishi University President Dr. Bevan Morris in September 2014  
about the other four universities accepting Bitcoin for tuition payments
and three offering courses in Sustainable Digital Currency including Harvard, MIT, and Stanford
20141014Proposal to the President of MIU October 14, 2014
EcoFair April 18, 2015  $235/BTC Fairfield Convention Center with Digital Coin Deborah, spokes model and former Mother Divine



Building Bitcoin awareness with table at Art Walk

Mayor Malloy   6/1/2017
Mayor Ed Mallow received his first bit of Bitcoin
Fairfield Mayor Malloy and Council hears about local volunteers educating the public about Bitcoin
November 27, 2017 when Bitcoin was about $10000
Talked about creating a new, better coin in Fairfield.

Christmas Bonus in Bitcoin - 2015, 2016, and 2017
to 50 TM Rounders in the Invincible America Assembly
Free .0005 of Bitcoin from the
(This was about $5 at the time at $14000 per BTC.)
Fairfield Iowa Association for Digital Currency

MIUProposal from
MIU Digital Coin Club 2014-Dec-06

James Moore interview about Bitcoin when it was $2444
KRUU  6/15/2017

Aish Menon Reporter for KTVO
interviewed Rick on 9/29/2017 about Fairfield digital coin users, when Bitcoin was just $10000 who talked about creating an even more ideal currency (the Raam)

World Beyond War Conference
at American University  2017
attended by Coleen Rowley (retired FBI), Ray McGovern (retired CIA), David Swanson (Conference organizer), Medea Benjamin (Code Pink), Bruce Trautman (Veterans For Peace), and other intrepid peace activists to Bitcoin and digital currency. We offered some BTC to Dr. Jill Stein (MD, Harvard, Green Party)
World Peace and Invincible America through awareness and use of digital currency 

Introducing Star Trek's Captain Decker (Stephen Collins)
 to the future of money - Bitcoin in 2017

Introducing Donald Trump Jr. and wife Vanessa
sending Bitcoin to set up his account

Digital Currency and SCI
from Bitcoin to reincarnating the Raam
Sunday, 4/29/2018, 1 pm, Fairfield Public Library

Fairfield Source
magazine advertisements for public awareness

and Weekly Reader

Donated Bitcoin and storage device to
Maharishi School

Maharishi University accepts Bitcoin donations


Fairfield Chamber of Commerce
FairfieldChamber2018   4/28/2018

Bitcoin Donation to MIU
  - Akshaya Tritiya Day on 5/29/2018
Paul Stokstad, MIU Alumni leader  - by Rick Shaddock and Deborah Del Debbio of

Dr. Lawrence Farwell donated 1 million Pulse coins
to MIU, introduced by Deborah Del Debbio on 7/30/2021
Accepted by Paul Stokstad, organized by Rick Shaddock

Raja Bob LoPinto is a retired successful
financial planner for E.F. Hutton

Nat Goldhaber said the Raam was an interesting idea at the Golden Dome inauguration of President of MIU Nader Raam
and said send him an email.

October 16, 2024 Inauguration of
MIU President Dr. Tony Nader
Spoke briefly with Raja Rogers Badgett and Head Trustee Ed Malloy about the Raam with a positive response.

Peter Janssen & Son, expert investors expressed interest

Invited Jim Karpen, PhD, Professor at MIU
to be on the Raam Advisory Board
wrote the first article to inform Fairfield about Bitcoin in 2014
Fairfield Source  and a follow up article September 2014
12/08/2024 Rick and Sean have contacted Matthew, the developer of BitRaam about programming the Raam
FIDCA sent info about Bitcoin to Monty Guild, who was a Trustee of Maharishi University,
He wrote in his newsletter "Digital Currency is here to stay"
MIU Student Digital Coin Club

NASDAQ Studio could do a show about the Raam
as was done on October 2019 for the Ubiq token on Jane King Show

Payment of .911 Bitcoin to Dr. David Griscom
for winning the 9/11 Physics Debate for 2015
3/14/2015 - Einstein's birthday or Pi Day
RaamCoin is primarily programmed using Solidity, a high-level programming language specifically designed for developing smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain, which RaamCoin is essentially a fork of; meaning it leverages much of the same underlying code and functionality, while implementing its own unique features and tokenomics.
RaamCoin can transcend the need for electricity and energy using mining.
The full potential number of Raams will be available from Day One.
Validators will ensure the integrity of the network.
Rajas and TM proponents can be Validators, and receive transaction fees to repay their investment in becoming Rajas
   January 8, 2015 when Bitcoin was $271

12/5/2024 Developers: Sean Brizendine and
Matthew Mitchell discussion
12/24/2024 Gabriel on BitRaam
12/29/2024 Rick discusses Raam with Dr. John Hagelin after World Peace Assembly evening meeting in Argiro Hall.  Sends email  1/11/2024 Rick asks Dr. Craig Pearson for 30 seconds
to offer all WPA particpants 108 BitRaam

Rick Shaddock offers Dr. John Hagelin and MIU community 108 BRM
at Fireside Chat on Saturday January 11, 2025 at WPA
Good talk with Raja Rogers & Candace Badgett
Raja Patrick Barrett, PhD & Margaret Peggy Palms


Action Plan

Getting BRM and RMC on the major cryptocurrency exchanges

When a product is in the market place, it gets price discovery is the largest list of all the coins and where to buy them on exchanges.

Reserve BRM trading code for BitRaam on
The closest BRM so far is Bear Meme, which would not be too confusing.
So far, there is no

Reserve RMC trading code for RaamCoin on
RMC is still open for us. The closest so far is RMCD coin for Ronald McDonald Coin
So far, there is no


Raam Team

More Videos

Digital Coin Association

Sidha companies with Raam in the name

Dr. Howard Settle (top TM donor)
Raam Global Energy Company - Lewis Weiss (former Purusha)